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Encouraging the New Years Resolutioner

Reinforce the “Resolutioner”

While I was on my 3 week trip across the East Coast (D.C., NYC and Europe) I had a chance to visit a number of gyms. One of my favorite was a gym in Washington D.C. (I’ll leave the name out of it!).

It was a really awesome gym – lots of equipment, room and the staff was very friendly. Especially since they let me workout there for the length of 4 days for free! Well, as I was waiting for my friend to pick me up at the front door the front desk receptionist said “It’s been super crowded in here… even at 4am there was a line of people waiting to check in!”

To which I replied, “That’s a good thing yeah? Everyone coming in and making a change!”

She replied “Or not… in a few weeks it’ll get back to normal.”

Getting back to normal?

As someone who works with clients – on their nutrition, training and formulating plans of attack… I always take the role of an encourager. I LOVE to see the gym packed with people. Especially those wanting to make a change. Why should it be an exclusive club for people who already know the equipment or are in shape? A gym is where people go to get into shape, stay in shape and get in better shape. None of these classes should be excluded (hint hint Planet Fitness!)

We all had our first day in the gym. Whether we went in with someone and it made the transition smoother or we just walked in ourselves and had to walk around on our own to figure things out… we took the first step…. AND LOOK AT US NOW!

What I am suggesting and asking is – if you see someone in the gym who might be lost – ask them if they need a hand. If you see someone new struggling with a piece of equipment or doing something completely wrong – don’t break out your cell phone for a quick VINE so your friends can laugh. Use that time to help the person out. Trust me, you won’t kill your GAINZ taking a few minutes to make someone else’s journey more enjoyable. You never know… you might be the person that keeps the newcomer coming into the gym. You might be that encouraging factor that makes them come in another month. Social media always talks about wanting to inspire… well I challenge you to do just that.

Inspire – by lending a hand and words of encouragement.


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